Administration and General Information

President Dr. James Hurley
Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Diane Stearns
Vice President of Institutional Advancement Mr. Anthony Vidmar
Vice President of Student Engagement and Success Dr. Diana Ortega
Vice President of Finance and Administration Dr. Brett Powell
Vice President of Enrollment Management Dr. Javier Garza
Vice President of Research, Innovation and Economic Development Dr. Rupa Iyer
  Phone T-Box
Academic Advising Center (254) 968-9746 T-0955
Academic Affairs 9103 T-0010
Undergraduate 1-800-687-8236
9125 T-0030
Graduate 1-800-687-4723
9104 T-0350
Athletics 9178 T-0080
Barry B. Thompson Student Center 9000 T-0570
Business Services 9107 T-0120
Campus Bookstore 9007 T-0850
Campus Tours 9845 T-0610
College of Graduate Studies 9104 T-0350
Disability Resources and Testing 9400 T-0780
Financial Aid 9070 T-0310
Honors College 1926 T-0545
During regular office hours
At other times
Judicial Affairs 9080 T-0670
Library 9937 T-0450
Lozano Long Division of Global, Community and First-Gen Initiatives 9488 T-0490
Military Veterans' Services 1805 T-0960
President's Office 9100 T-0001
Recreational Sports 9912 T-0420
Registrar 9121 T-0620
Residential Life 9083 T-0280
Scholarship Office 9922 T-0760
Student Affairs 9081 T-0680
Student Development and Mentoring 9480 T-0700
Texan Card 1880 T-0910
Transcripts 9121 T-0620
Tutoring and Learning Center 9009 T-0345
Undergraduate Recruitment/Welcome Center 9845 T-0610
University Police 9002 T-0560

Requests for information should be directed to the offices listed above, and all correspondence should include T-Box number.  The University's mailing address for all inquiries is:

Tarleton State University
T-(Box number)
Stephenville, TX 76402

For phone numbers, area code and first three digits are 254 and 968, respectively.