College of Liberal & Fine Arts

The College of Liberal and Fine Arts has two missions. First, to provide courses in the humanities, social sciences, and fine arts that comprise part of the general education requirements required of all University students; and secondly, to provide major fields of study in the social sciences, humanities, fine arts, and criminal justice.

Degree programs available in the College of Liberal and Fine Arts provide the foundation required for many professional and related fields. Also included are specialized programs that are professionally oriented and lead to careers in such fields as teaching, criminal justice, and the performing arts. The College of Liberal and Fine Arts is organized into five departments and one school:

  1. Department of Communication Studies
  2. Department of English and Languages, including Foreign Languages
  3. Department of Government, Legal Studies and Philosophy
  4. Department of History, Geography and GIS
  5. Department of Performing Arts, including Music, Dance, and Theatre
  6. Department of Visual Arts and Design, including Art and Digital Media Studies
  7. School of Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Public Administration
    1. Department of Public Administration
    2. Department of Criminal Justice

The College of Liberal and Fine Arts also offers discipline-specific minors, interdisciplinary minors, and certificates.  A minor consists of 18 hours (six hours must be advanced level 3000 or 4000 courses), and certificate requirements vary (see below for respective requirements).  Below is a list of minors and certificates offered in the College of Liberal and Fine Arts:

The College of Liberal and Fine Arts offers the following minors:

Minor in Art
ARTS courses (at least 6 hours advanced) 118
Minor in Art History 
ARTS 1303Art History I3
ARTS 1304Art History II3
ARTS 3331Art History of America3
ARTS 3332Contemporary Movements in Art3
ARTS 3333Art History of the Non-Western World3
ARTS 3334History of Photography and Lens-Based Media3
Total Hours18
Minor in Conservation Law Enforcement 
CRIJ 4360Conservation Law Enforcement 3
CRIJ 4361Texas Wildlife Law3
CRIJ 4362Green Criminology3
Select 9 credit hours of the following electives9
Society, Natural Resources, and the Environment
Science, Technology, and the Environment
Ethical Issues in Agriculture and the Natural Resources
Population, Pollution, and Resource Depletion
Environmental Sociology
Environmental Policy
International Environmental Issues
Environmental Law
Total Hours18
Minor in Criminal Justice 
CRIJ 1301Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CRIJ 3305Criminology3
CRIJ 4301Gender, Crime, and the Criminal Justice System3
or CRIJ 4303 Crime, Justice, and Social Diversity
CRIJ Electives9
Total Hours18
Minor in Criminal Law 
CRIJ 1306Court Systems and Practices3
CRIJ 1310Fundamentals of Criminal Law3
CRIJ 2314Criminal Investigation3
CRIJ 3315Rules of Criminal Evidence3
CRIJ 4326Criminal Procedure3
CRIJ 4383Seminar: Special Topics in Criminal Law3
or CRIJ 4361 Texas Wildlife Law
Total Hours18
Minor in Digital Media Studies 
ARTS 1316Drawing I3
ARTS 2348Digital Art I3
or ARTS 2356 Photography I
Digital Art Electives in Multimedia Production or Game Design (6 credits must be advanced)12
Game Design
Photography I
History of Photography and Lens-Based Media
Graphic Design I
Photography II
Narrative Illustration I
Tradigital Animation I
3D Animation I
Special Effects and Compositing I
3D Video Game Environment I
Narrative Film Arts I
Experimental Photography
3D Modeling
Graphic Design II
Photography III
Narrative Illustration II
Tradigital Animation II
3D Animation II
Special Effects and Compositing II
3D Video Game Environment II
Narrative Film Arts II
Interaction Design
Collaborative Production
Total Hours18

Minor in Digital Media Studies advisor: Chris Ireland (

Minor in Film Production 
FINA 1360The Art of Film3
ENGL 2340Literature and Film3
ARTS 2348Digital Art I3
COMM 3308Digital Video Production3
Choose two of the following:6
Documentary Film
Film Studies
Narrative Film Arts I
Narrative Film Arts II
Photography II
Photography III
3D Rendering and Lighting
Total Hours18

Minor in Film Production advisors: Mr. Chris Ireland (

Minor in Geography 
GEOG 1303World Regional Geography3
GEOG 1320Introduction to Human Geography3
GEOG 1451Pre-GIS: GPS, VGI and Cartography4
GEOG 3300Geography of Latin America3
GEOG 3301Intro to Travel, Cultural Experience, & Study Abroad3
Total Hours16

Minor in Geography advisor: Dr. Yuen Yolanda Tsang (

Minor in Hispanic Studies 
SPAN 3301Oral Proficiency in Spanish3
or SPAN 3302 Spanish for Heritage or Native Speakers
SPAN 3303Spanish Grammar in Writing3
SPAN 4306Culture and Civilization of Spain and Latin America3
GEOG 3300Geography of Latin America3
Total Hours12

Minor in Hispanic Studies advisor: Dr. Cecelia Marrugo Puello ( 

Minor in History 
HIST 1301United States History I3
HIST 1302United States History II3
HIST 3340Historical Methods3
One of the following:3
World Civilizations I
World Civilizations II
Upper Level History Electives6
Total Hours18

Minor in History advisor: Dr. Jensen Branscombe (

Minor in Legal Studies 
PHIL 2303Introduction to Logic3
LEGL 2330Introduction to Legal Studies3
LEGL 3332Legal Ethics3
LEGL 3340Legal Research & Writing3
LEGL 3388Civil Procedure3
Select one:3
Rules of Criminal Evidence
Criminal Procedure
Business Law II
Employment Law
International Business Law
The Judiciary
Constitutional Law II
Environmental Law
Total Hours18

Minor in Legal Studies advisor: Dr. Amy O'Dell (

Minor in Music 
MUSI 1311Music Theory I3
MUSI 1116Aural Skills I1
MUSI 1306Music Appreciation3
Music Elective 15
Advanced Music Electives 16
Total Hours18

 Minor in Music advisor: Dr. Floyd Richmond (

Minor in Music Business 
MUSI 1330Introduction to Music Business3
MUSI 1320Introduction to Audio Technology3
MUSI 3320Music Business II3
MKTG 3312Marketing3
Electives - Select 6 credit hours from the following:6
Pro Tools
Digital Music and Beat Production
Digital Art I
Digital Video Production
Media Management
Photography I
Graphic Design I
Web Development
Services Marketing
Total Hours18

Minor in Music Business advisor: Dr. Floyd Richmond (

Minor in Philosophy 
PHIL 1301Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 2303Introduction to Logic3
Choose 12 hours from the following (6 hours must be advanced):12
Ethics in the Professions
World Religions: Theory, Origins, & Practices
History of Christianity and Christian Thought to the Reformation
Political Philosophy I
Political Philosophy II
Problems in Philosophy
Environmental Ethics
Philosophy Seminar
Total Hours18

 Minor in Philosophy advisor: Matthew Hallgarth ( 

Minor in Political Science 
GOVT 2305Federal Government (Federal Constitution and Topics)3
GOVT 2306Texas Government (Texas Constitution and Topics)3
Advanced Electives in Political Science12
Total Hours18

 Minor in Political Science advisor: Dr. Marcie Reynolds (

Minor in Public Policy 
POLS 4340US Public Policy3
Elective Options (9 advanced hours required) 115
Criminal Justice
Correctional Systems and Practices
Comparative Criminal Justice
Community Corrections
Homeland Security
Crime, Justice, and Social Diversity
Social Work
Social Welfare in America
Social Welfare Policy
Social Work with Aging Populations
International Social Work
Child Welfare
Human Rights
Women's Issues
Political Science
Environmental Policy
International Environmental Issues
Environmental Law
Religion and Politics
U.S Foreign Policy
Money And Banking
Environmental Economics
Economics of Financial Markets
Political Economy
International Economics
Race and Ethnic Relations
Rural Sociology
Social Stratification and Inequality
Gender In Society
Medical and Health Care Policy
Age and Ethnic Stratification
Migration and Society
Employee and Labor Relations
Business Law I
Business Law II
Employment Law
International Business Law
Communication Law
Public Agricultural Food Programs
International Trade and Agriculture
Commodity Futures Markets
Recreation and Tourism Economics
Formulation of Agriculture & Food Policy
Mexican Agricultural Relations
Principles of Wildlife Conservation and Management
Population, Pollution, and Resource Depletion
Fish and Wildlife Laws and Administration
Water Resources Policy and Management
Public Health
Introduction to Health Management and Policy
Public Health Policy
Policy, Politics, and Ethics
Occupational Safety and Health
Policies and Ethical Standards
Total Hours18

Minor in Public Policy advisor: Dr. Eric Morrow (

Minor in Social Equity and Criminal Justice
CRIJ 3309Victimology3
CRIJ 4303 Crime, Justice, and Social Diversity3
COMM 3332Intercultural Communication3
Electives- Pick 39
Mediation - Methods of Dispute Resolution
Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice
Gender, Crime, and the Criminal Justice System
Race and Ethnic Relations
Social Stratification and Inequality
Social Movements
Total Hours18
Minor in Spanish 
SPAN 1303Basic Spanish for Vocations3
or SPAN 1411 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 1412Beginning Spanish II4
SPAN 2311Intermediate Spanish I3
SPAN 2312Intermediate Spanish II3
SPAN 3301Oral Proficiency in Spanish3
or SPAN 3302 Spanish for Heritage or Native Speakers
SPAN 3303Spanish Grammar in Writing3
Total Hours19

 Minor in Spanish advisor: Ivelisse Urban (

Minor in Technical Writing 
ENGL 1301Composition I3
ENGL 1302Composition II3
ENGL 3309Professional Writing3
Sophomore Literature3
Select two of the following:6
Professional Writing and Visual Design
Professional Writing and Information Design
Writing for Digital Mediums
Total Hours18

 Minor is Technical Writing advisor: Dr. Katrina Hinson (

Minor in Theatre 
THEA courses (at least 6 hours advanced) 118

The College of Liberal and Fine Arts offers the following certificates:

Certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Required Courses9
Mediation-Methods of Dispute Resolution
Advanced Mediation Strategies
Effective Communication Skills for ADR Specialists
Electives - Choose 13
Arbitration-Methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution
Advanced Arbitration Theory and Methods
Negotiations and Collective Bargaining
Mediation Practicum/Internship
Total Hours12
Certificate in Crime Analysis 
CRIJ 3370Introduction to Crime Analysis3
CRIJ 3371/GEOG 3352Introduction to Crime Mapping 3
CRIJ 4316Methods of Criminal Justice Research3
CRIJ 4318Criminal Justice Statistics3
CRIJ 4332Field Experience in Crime Analysis3
or CRIJ 3305 Criminology
or CRIJ 3306 Crime Prevention
Total Hours15
Certificate in Cybercrime Field Response 
CRIJ 5353Global Cyber-Security3
CRIJ 5354Introduction to Digital Forensics3
CRIJ 5355Cellular Forensics3
CRIJ 5356Digital Forensics Analysis3
Certificate in Environmental Policy 
ECON 3304Environmental Economics3
POLS 3310Environmental Policy3
GEOL 1407Introduction to Environmental Science4
Choose one of the following electives:3
Environmental Communication
Environmental Ethics
International Environmental Issues
Environmental Law
Environmental Sociology
Water Policy
Total Hours13

 Environmental Policy Certificate advisor: Dr. Anne Egelston (

Certificate in Geographic Information Systems 
GEOG 2451Introduction to Geographic Information Systems4
GEOG 3450Intermediate Geographic Information Systems 4
GEOG 4450Advanced Geographic Information Systems4
Choose two of the following6-8
Pre-GIS: GPS, VGI and Cartography
Remote Sensing
Applied Remote Sensing
Introduction to Crime Mapping
GIS for Natural Resource Scientists
Soils, Land Use, and The Environment
Land Surveying and Soil/Water Conservation Practices
Java Programming
Advanced Java Programming
C# Programming
Advanced C# Programming
Total Hours18

 GIS Certificate advisor: Dr. Yuen Yolanda Tsang (

Certificate in Jazz Studies 
MUSI 2360Jazz Harmony3
MUSI 3360Jazz Improvisation I3
MUSI 3361Jazz Improvisation II3
MUSI 4245Jazz Arranging2
Total Hours11

Jazz Studies certificate advisor: Dr. Andrew Stonerock (

Certificate in Homeland Security 
Required Courses6
Homeland Security
Electives - Choose 26
Global Cyber-Security
Special Topics in Homeland Security
Intersection of Domestic and Military Policing
Transnational Trafficking
Total Hours12

Dr. Emran El-Badawi, Dean
College of Liberal & Fine Arts
O. A. Grant, Suite 241
Box T-0190
Stephenville, , Texas USA 76402
(254) 968-9141

Dr. Ben Sword, Associate Dean
College of Liberal and Fine Arts
O.A. Grant, Suite 241
Box T-0190
Stephenville, Texas 76402
(254) 968-9141