Undergraduate Business Courses
BUSI 1000. TCC Dual Admit. 0 Credit Hours (Lecture: 0 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
BUSI 1100. Transitioning to University Studies in Business. 1 Credit Hour (Lecture: 1 Hour, Lab: 1 Hour).
Practical study designed to prepare the student for university life, aid in the development of skills for academic success, promote personal growth and responsibility, and encourage active involvement in the learning process from an individual college perspective.
BUSI 1301. Business Principles. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
This course provides a survey of economic systems, forms of business ownership, and considerations for running a business. Students will learn various aspects of business, management, and leadership functions; organizational considerations; and decision-making processes. Financial topics are introduced, including accounting, money and banking, and securities markets. Also included are discussions of business challenges in the legal and regulatory environment, business ethics, social responsibility, and international business. Emphasized is the dynamic role of business in everyday life.
BUSI 1307. Personal Finance. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
Personal and family accounts, budgets and budgetary control, bank accounts, charge accounts, borrowing, investing, insurance, standards of living, renting or home ownership, and wills and trust plans.
BUSI 2301. Business Law I. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
The study of the principles of law relating to law and ethics, the judicial system, constitution, tort and criminal law, law of sales, and commercial property.
BUSI 2305. Business Statistics. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for business and economic decision-making. Topics include the collection, description, analysis, and summarization of data; probability; discrete and continuous random variables; the binomial and normal distributions; sampling distributions; tests of hypotheses; estimation and confidence intervals; linear regression; and correlation analysis. Statistical software is used to analyze data throughout the course. Prerequisites: MATH 1324 Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences or MATH 1314 College Algebra and BCIS 1305 Business Computer Applications.
BUSI 3312. Business Communication. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours). [WI]
A study of effective communication, both verbal and written. Provides students the opportunity to gain practice in making decisions involving selection and organization of communication content, in choosing appropriate medium for presentation of information and developing effective business writing styles.
BUSI 4084. Internship. 1-6 Credit Hours (Lecture: 0 Hours, Lab: 1-20 Hours).
Preapproved and supervised work experience in a business related position with a public or private business organization. May be repeated for a total of 6 hours credit. Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor and Department Head.
BUSI 4086. Business Problems. 1-3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 0 Hours, Lab: 1-3 Hours).
A directed study of selected problems in business. May be repeated with approval of the head of the Department. Prerequisites: Approval of Instructor and Department Head.
BUSI 4090. Special Topics in Business. 1-3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 1-3 Hours, Lab: 1-3 Hours).
An examination of current topics in general business. Readings required from current general business publications and other related periodicals. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor and Department Head.
BUSI 4314. Administrative Office Management. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
Principles of office management, including planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling are examined. Emphasis is placed on human relations, problem solving, leadership, and improved managerial performance, office procedures, talent requirements, and equipment needs.
BUSI 4344. Introduction to International Business. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
Broad coverage of key concepts and issues in international business. Emphasis on the environment of international business and the operations of the multinational firm.
BUSI 4359. Business Strategy. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours). [WI]
A capstone course involving the integration of concepts and principles studied in accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, quantitative methods, and other relevant disciplines. Includes problem solving and business decision making. Designed to be taken by senior business majors during their last semester. Prerequisite: FINC 3301, BUSI 2305, MGMT 3300, MKTG 3312; or approval of department head.
BUSI 4385. Seminar in General Business. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
A study of selected topics dealing with problems or unique needs of business. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor and Department Head.
BUSI 4389. Global Business Practices. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
The study of basic international business concepts, cultural literacy, and discipline specific content are then applied to practical experiences and activities related to the foreign country visited. A required study abroad at the student's expense is required. Student may complete a maximum of six hours of COBA sponsored study abroad toward degree completion. Field assignment fee of $50.
BUSI 4398. Professional Development in Applied Business. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
A capstone course designed for students to synthesize the knowledge, skills, and attitude learned throughout the undergraduate applied business degree. Students will demonstrate their ability to articulate career pathways, contribute to the organizational structure of business/industry or other institutions, and examine strategies needed to make difficult decisions. Work may include individual/group research and critical reviews of existing bodies of knowledge.