Undergraduate Education Courses
EDUC 1000. TCC Dual Admit. 0 Credit Hours (Lecture: 0 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
EDUC 1100. Transitioning to University Studies and the Teaching Profession. 1 Credit Hour (Lecture: 1 Hour, Lab: 1 Hour).
Practical study designed to prepare the student for university life, aid in the development of skills for academic success, promote personal growth and responsibility, and encourage active involvement in the learning process from an individual college perspective. Includes an introduction to and analysis of the culture of schooling and classrooms. Students will examine teaching as a profession through directed experiences.
EDUC 1301. Introduction to the Teaching Profession. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
An enriched, integrated pre-service course and content experience that provides active recruitment and instructional support of students interested in a teaching career, especially in high needs fields. The course provides students with opportunities to participate in early field observations at all levels of P-12 schools with varied and diverse student populations and provides students with support from college and school faculty, preferably in small cohort groups, for the purpose of introduction to and analysis of the culture of schooling and classrooms. Course content should be aligned as applicable with State Board of Education Certification Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities standards. Course must include a minimum of 16 contact hours of field experience in P-12 classrooms as directed by faculty.
EDUC 2300. Families, School, and Community. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 2 Hours).
A study of the child, family, community, and schools, including parent education and involvement, family and community lifestyles, child abuse, and current family life issues. The course includes a service learning component to meet the field experiences requirement. Lab fee: $2.
EDUC 2301. Introduction to Special Populations. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
An enriched, integrated pre-service course and content experience that provides an overview of schooling and classrooms from the perspectives of language, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnic and academic diversity, and equity with an emphasis on factors that facilitate learning. The course provides students with opportunities to participate in early field observations of P- 118 12 special populations and should be aligned as applicable with State Board for Educator Certification Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities standards. Must include a minimum of 16 contact hours of field experience in P-12 classrooms with special populations.
EDUC 2330. Multicultural Responsive Pedagogy. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
This course offers an introduction to components of multicultural education (e.g. knowledge content process, content integration, prejudice reduction, equity pedagogy, and empowering school culture) that impact decisions elementary educators must make regarding the design and implementation of curriculum, teaching strategies, materials, and communication. This course also offers an examination of different cultural views to prepare future teachers in the elementary grades to provide culturally responsive educational opportunities to children of all cultures.
EDUC 3304. Early Childhood Curriculum, Instruction and Environments. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
This course is designed as a study of all aspects of the early childhood classroom, including developmentally appropriate practices, curriculum, instruction, assessment, classroom management, and the physical environment. Current issues related to early childhood education will be examined. Students will be expected to demonstrate developmentally appropriate effective teaching practices in field-based setting. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in READ 3321.
EDUC 3310. Foundations of Bilingual and English as a Second Language Education. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
An examination of the history, philosophies, theoretical and legal foundations regarding Bilingual/English as a Second Language Acquisition. The course is a review of program designs and includes connections to assigned field experiences in a K-12 placement. Prerequisite: Corequisite in EDUC 3321 or EDUC 3320 / READ 3321.
EDUC 3315. Literacy Instruction for Bilingual Classrooms. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
An examination of the knowledge and skills required to teach limited English language learners, with an emphasis on program implementation, curriculum, materials, oral language development, literacy development and assessment strategies. Course will be delivered in Spanish and English. Prerequisites: Proficiency in Spanish and EDUC 3310, 3320, and READ 3311.
EDUC 3320. Foundations of Teaching: Elementary (EC-6) Classrooms. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
Examination of different techniques in cooperative learning, brain-based learning and motivation to present the pertinent information in a EC-6 classroom setting. Field-based experience provides students with the opportunity to apply and analyze cooperative learning, brain-based learning, and motivation techniques as used in the classroom setting. Technology is applied as a teaching and learning tool through course projects and experiences. In order to complete this course, field experiences in the school setting is required Prerequisite: Junior classification.
EDUC 3321. Foundations of Teaching: Middle and Secondary Classrooms. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours). [WI]
An examination of the characteristics and behavior of the adolescent learner with implications for curriculum, instruction, and lesson planning in the junior/middle and high schools. This course will provide an understanding of the wide range of psychological, social factors that create and affect adolescents in school. Includes emphasis on instructional strategies. In order to complete this course, field experiences in the school setting is required. Prerequisite: Either CHFS 3300, PSYC 2308, or PSYC 3303. Concurrent enrollment in any of the three options is allowed. Student must have 60 earned hours toward degree or certification.
EDUC 3330. Effective Instruction for Middle and Secondary Educators. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
This courses focuses on developing strategies that are effective in middle school and secondary classrooms. Candidates will design and plan effective instruction utilizing state standards and best practices. Topics include the lesson planning, assessment, classroom management, instructional models, instructional strategies, instruction methods, and instructional skills. In order to complete this course, field experiences in the school setting is required. Prerequisites: EDUC 3321 (or Department Head approval) and Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
EDUC 3331. Methodology Field Implementation. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 1 Hour, Lab: 9 Hours).
This course is designed to examine the relationship between the state adopted curriculum and best practices in the classroom, to include practical experience in developing student learning outcomes, designing lesson plans, and delivering and assessing instruction, as well as incorporating effective classroom management techniques into the classroom. Prerequisites: EDUC 3320 or EDUC 3321 and Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
EDUC 3332. Effective Classroom Management Strategies. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 0 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
A study of research-based classroom management practices designed to help teachers create and maintain caring, respectful classroom communities in which learners feel safe, valued, cared about, respected, and empowered. Candidates will understand factors that influence student behavior and learn effective management practices that illicit positive student outcomes. In order to complete this course, field experiences in a school setting is required. Prerequisites: EDUC 3320 or EDUC 3321 and admission to the Teacher Education Program.
EDUC 3341. Culturally Responsive Teaching for Middle and Secondary Educators. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
This course offers an introduction to culturally response teaching theory and practice in middle and secondary classrooms. The course focuses on issues related to teaching and working with culturally, ethnically, socially, and linguistically diverse student populations including classroom management, effective lesson planning, and student, family, and community communication.
EDUC 3371. Ethical, Legal, and Technological Issues in Education. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
This course provides educators with an overview of the ethical, legal, and social issues that are unique in the 21st century learning environment. Topics such as learner privacy online, effective application of technology, and issues regarding copyright and intellectual property. Teacher candidates will also examine digital citizenship and contemporary legal issues of the 21st century classrooms. Prerequisite: n/a.
EDUC 3375. Methodology for ESL Learners in K-12 Classrooms. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
This course will introduce students to the various approaches methods and techniques used in the teaching of language components (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation) and the four language acquisition skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing). This course provides practice in developing and implementing effective language lesson plans along with evaluating and selecting appropriate ESL teaching materials using the sheltered instruction observation protocol framework (SIOP) and computer assisted language learning tools (CALL). Prerequisite: Admittance to the Teacher Education Program, EDUC 3310.
EDUC 3385. Science Teaching Implementation. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
This course will use the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as a framework to examine content methodology, skills, and materials necessary to teach science to children in elementary and middle schools. Students will learn how to plan lessons utilizing research-based practices, implement lessons effectively, and reflect on their own science instruction. Course components include hands-on investigations, class discussions, readings, micro-teaching, science notebooks, and field placements with emphasis on developmentally appropriate practices in science instruction. Topics from life science, physical science, earth/space science and nature of science will be covered. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 3331 or READ 4331.
EDUC 3394. Curr/Meth EC-Grade Four I. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
An examination of developmentally appropriate educational strategies and instructional techniques in teaching language arts, social studies, and fine arts to children (preschool - 4th grade). Students will be expected to integrate language arts, social studies, and fine arts within the curriculum as well as evaluate curricula materials. Prerequisites: Junior classification and completion of TASP requirement; READ 3311, SOSC 3301, and FINA 1335.
EDUC 3395. Methods of Teaching Integrated Social Studies and English Language Arts/Reading. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
A study of methods, materials, and processes for teaching social studies incorporating ELAR. Topics include the effective implementation of social studies curriculum, instruction, assessment, and evaluation for EC–6 and 4 – 8 teacher candidates. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 3331 or READ 4331.
EDUC 3396. Curr/Meth EC-Grade Four II. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
An examination of developmentally appropriate educational strategies and instructional techniques in teaching mathematics and science to children (preschool - 4th grade) within a problem-based learning approach. Special topics include the appropriate use of technology and cooperative grouping and the integration of curriculum within the content areas of mathematics and science. Prerequisites: MATH 3303 and 3305, GEOL 1401, BIOL 2310, admission to the Teacher Education Program.
EDUC 4086. Education Problems. 1-3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 0 Hours, Lab: 1-3 Hours).
A course featuring independent research, reading, and discussion under personal direction of instructor, topics vary according to student need. Open to students of junior or senior classification who have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program and with approval of department head.
EDUC 4304. Early Childhood Environment. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
An examination of classroom management, including the physical environment and use of centers, for diverse groups of early elementary students. A lab and documentation of directed field experiences are required. Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program and concurrent enrollment in READ 4310, EDUC 3310(or completion), and EDUC 4315.
EDUC 4305. Content Area Instruction in Bilingual Classrooms. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
An examination of curriculum requirements as applicable to bilingual education, language concepts and proficiencies needed for teaching language arts, math, science and social studies in bilingual classrooms. Students will evaluate commercial and research-based programs in order to adapt materials for students with varying degrees of language and literacy proficiency. Field experiences required. Prerequisites: Admission to the Tarleton Teacher Education Program, EDUC 3310, EDUC 3315, and READ 3311. Proficiency in Spanish.
EDUC 4315. EC - 8 Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
Overview of developmentally appropriate curriculum adhering to state and national standards for grades EC - 8. Prerequisites: Admission to the Tarleton Teacher Education Program and EDUC 3330, and concurrent enrollment in READ 4310 and EDUC 3310 (or completion).
EDUC 4330. Application of Effective Teaching Practices. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
Documented field-based experiences are provided in school settings where students will plan and deliver units of instruction, examine various models of instruction, analyze classroom management strategies, and demonstrate competencies in effective teaching practices. Prerequisites: EDUC 3330 and READ 3351/READ 3356.
EDUC 4331. Instructional Strategies for Middle and Secondary Classrooms. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
This course is designed to be an examination of the relationships among local, state, and federal standards to develop instructional strategies derived from research-based practices for middle and secondary classrooms. Field experience required. Prerequisites: EDUC 3321 or EDUC 3320 and Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
EDUC 4335. Issues of Professionalism. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
Students synthesize and validate concepts encountered during clinical teaching. Prerequisites: Admission to Clinical Teaching and concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4690(or equivalent).
EDUC 4350. Second Language Acquisition and Assessment for ESL Learners. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
This course will introduce students to second language acquisition theories, the language learning process, and second language assessment in various teaching contexts from the K-12 classroom. Students will compare and contrast different theoretical perspectives of language learning and the language learner. The students will learn about the place of testing and assessment in the ESL classroom, as well as develop the necessary skills to design classroom assessment and be able to use these test qualities to evaluate and guide ESL student learning. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program, EDUC 3310, EDUC 3375.
EDUC 4383. Internship for Classroom Teaching. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 1 Hour, Lab: 9 Hours).
This internship includes supervised, field-based activities in public school classrooms. Major emphasis is placed on the development of instructional strategies and professional practices designed to improve teaching performance. Students are required to conduct a reflective analysis of their teaching performance. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
EDUC 4391. Teacher Residency I. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
Supervised co-teaching in a public school for an entire semester. Tarleton Teacher Residents will be placed in a state-accredited public school all day under the guidance of an experienced and accomplished classroom teacher. Teacher Residents will demonstrate professional development and growth in the implementation of effective instruction, assessment, technology integration, and classroom management. Prerequisite: Admission into Teacher Residency.
EDUC 4690. Clinical Teaching. 6 Credit Hours (Lecture: 0 Hours, Lab: 40 Hours).
Supervised clinical teaching in the public schools at the appropriate level. Students are required to demonstrate proficiency in content, the application of best practices, and classroom management strategies. Prerequisites: Admission to Clinical Teaching and concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4335(or equivalent). Passing scores on required certification exams.
EDUC 4692. Teacher Residency II. 6 Credit Hours (Lecture: 6 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
Supervised co-teaching in a public school for an entire semester. Tarleton Teacher Residents will be placed in a state-accredited public school all day under the guidance of an experienced and accomplished classroom teacher. Teacher Residents will demonstrate professional development and growth in the implementation of effective instruction, assessment, technology integration, and classroom management. Prerequisite: Admission into Teacher Residency.