Undergraduate Earth Science Courses
EASC 2310. Earth Systems Science. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 2 Hours).
Introduction to the nature and evolution of the Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere and Solar System. Prerequisite: Enrollment in this course is restricted to Interdisciplinary Studies majors. Lab fee: $2.
EASC 2451. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems. 4 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 2 Hours).
This is a cross-listed course with GEOG 2451 Intro to GIS. Basic concepts of design, planning and implementation of geographic information systems. Students will learn how to create, manipulate, project, and interpret geographic information. Students are encouraged to take GEOG 1451: Pre-GIS before this course. Lab fee: $2.
EASC 3310. Geographic Information Systems for the Sciences. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 1 Hour, Lab: 5 Hours).
Applications of geographic information systems in the geological, environmental, earth, and other sciences. Laboratory exercises will apply GIS programs to geological and environmental problems. Lab fee: $2.
EASC 3320. Astronomy. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
A study of astronomical instrumentation and methodologies, a survey of the solar system, star evolution, cosmology and the origins of the universe, and a review of galactic types and histories. Theory reinforced by field experience. Prerequisites: GEOL 1403 and 1404 or approval of department head. Lab fee: $5.
EASC 3330. Meteorology. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
A study of the Earth's atmosphere and the basic principles of weather analysis, climate and climatic controls, with emphasis on climatic effects on man. Theory reinforced by practical field experience. Prerequisite: GEOL 1403 or approval of department head. Lab fee: $5.
EASC 3340. Oceanography. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
A study of our oceans from the physical, chemical, biological, and geological aspects. Theory reinforced by practical field experience. Prerequisite: GEOL 1403, 1404, junior classification or approval of department head. Lab fee: $5.
EASC 3350. Environmental Science. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).
Integration of existing knowledge of geological, hydrological, and environmental processes associated with environmental management and land-use planning issues; including discussions of surface and subsurface water quality and quantity, soil erosion, solid and liquid waste disposal and flooding. Case studies involving environmental impact analysis. Prerequisites: GEOL 1403, 1407; CHEM 1311 and 1111, or approval of department head.
EASC 3360. Remote Sensing. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 2 Hours, Lab: 3 Hours).
An introduction to the feautres and interpretation of remotely sensed images from airborn and satellite platforms. Formats of imagery will include radar, thermal, and multispectral. Focus on interpretation of images for various usages, including agriculture, forestry, geology, urban landscapes, and geography Prerequisite: Junior classification Lab fee: $2.
EASC 3370. Biogeography. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 2 Hours, Lab: 3 Hours).
Geographical distribution of plants and animals. Explores the concepts of evolutionary change, allopatric and sympatric speciation, vicariance and dispersal and how these processes affect species distributions through time. Covers the effects of topography, physical, and climactic factors which affect species distributions. Combines data and discoveries from a variety of fields, including biology, paleontology, ecology, evolution, and geology. Lab fee: $2.
EASC 4086. Problems. 1-3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 0 Hours, Lab: 1-3 Hours).
A course open to capable Earth Science and Geology students. Topics may vary according to student need. May be repeated for credit, subject to the approval of the department head. Prerequisite: Approval of department head.
EASC 4313. Environmental Techniques. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 2 Hours, Lab: 3 Hours). [WI]
A survey of techniques used in environmental investigations focusing on sampling and geochemical methods important to the environmental industry. Topics to be covered may include topographic surveying, geochemical sampling in surface waters and groundwater, soil sampling and site characterization. Prerequisites: GEOL 1403, and MATH 1316, MATH 2412, or MATH 2413 or approval of department head. Lab fee: $2.
EASC 4384. Earth Science Internship. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 1 Hour, Lab: 8 Hours).
Pre-approved and supervised work experience in an environmental or earth science position in industry or the public sector. Prerequisites: Junior classification and approval of department head.