Undergraduate Honors Courses

HNRS 1185. Freshman Honors Seminar. 1 Credit Hour (Lecture: 1.5 Hour, Lab: 0 Hours).

Discussion and argumentation about a topic of broad intellectual, academic, ethical, or public significance. Topics and content vary. Prerequisites: acceptance into Presidential Honors Program or permission of the director of the Presidential Honors Program.

HNRS 2185. Honors Seminar. 1 Credit Hour (Lecture: 1.5 Hour, Lab: 0 Hours).

An advanced study of selected topics of an interdisciplinary nature that emphasizes connections between areas of knowledge. Prerequisite: acceptance into Presidential Honors Program or permission of the dean of the Honors College.

HNRS 2385. Honors Seminar. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).


HNRS 3385. Honors Seminar. 3 Credit Hours (Lecture: 3 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).

This is a course which stresses a reflective and critical approach to a topic of broad intellectual, academic, ethical, or public significance. Topics and content vary. Prerequisites: acceptance into Presidential Honors Program or permission of the director of the Presidential Honors Program.

HNRS 4088. Honors Thesis. 6 Credit Hours (Lecture: 0-6 Hours, Lab: 0 Hours).

Supervised research and writing of an Honors thesis directed by a faculty member in a chosen area of specialization. An Honors thesis is a substantive piece of scholarship or creative work involving primary and/or secondary research, which serves to demonstrate mastery over the discourse, methods, and content of at least one academic, creative, or professional field. This Honors College course will be taken in the semester in which the thesis is completed and defended. Prerequisite: Approval of Dean of Honors College.